The study was carried out to determine the impact of keyboarding skills on secretaries performance in business enterprises in Nigeria. The major objective was to determine the impact of keyboarding skills on secretaries performance in business enterprise in Nigeria. Four specific objectives, four research questions were drawn and corresponding four null hypotheses were formulated. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population was 246 made up of 90 Directors and 156 secretaries‟ drawn from the Federal Ministries of the six states selected for the study. One hundred and sixty-nine (169) respondents were purposively selected as sample for the study. Questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection. Frequency and percentages were used to analyze the demographic data, while weighted mean was used to answer the four research questions. Simple Linear Regression was also used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The study found that word- processing and keyboarding skills have significant influence on secretaries‟ performance in business enterprises in Nigeria. Among other findings was that keyboarding skills have significant influence on secretaries‟ communication skill in modern offices in North-West. The study concluded that with the introduction of modern technological equipment in modern offices in North-West, secretaries‟ with keyboarding skills still functions effectively in business enterprises in North-West, Nigeria. It was recommended among others, that seminars and workshops should be organized by different organizations to enlighten the public especially the executives, employers of labour and even professionals on the importance of keyboarding skills, and to correct the misconception by the public that keyboarding skills is of no significance to secretaries‟ functions, despite the introduction of modern technological equipment.
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study...